Historic Preservation Commission
The Lowell Historic Preservation Commission was created by ordinance (#2005-05) of the Lowell Town Council in 2005. The Commission is entrusted with the responsibility of developing and coordinating historic preservation activities within Lowell. The commission is comprised of five (5) members appointed by the Town Council President with the approval of the Town Council.
The Commission holds public meetings as necessary at Town Hall, 501 Main Street, in the Council Chambers. The duties and responsibilities of the Commission include, but are not limited to:
- Educating the community on the importance of historic buildings and preservation
- Identifying historic buildings, sites and structures within the town
- Developing local historic districts in order to preserve the downtown and existing neighborhoods
- Develop of design guidelines and standards for historic districts
- Serve as a resource to residents and property owners
Commission Members are:
- Julia White - President
- Jason Eaker - Vice President
- Connie Schrombeck
- Myra Harris
- Unfilled
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