BZA #25-001 Variance from developmental standards of Town of Lowell Zoning Ordinance §155.104(A) 1(a)(1) for property located at 1660 E. Commercial Ave. Jimmy Johns quick serve restaurant. Petitioner is requesting to exceed the total amount of allowed square footage for signage and exceed the amount of allowable square footage per wall sign. Petition has been filed by Bendsen Signs 1506 East McBride Ave, Decatur, IL 62526, representing, Raina Lowell LLC, 516 Gene Darfler CT., Naperville, Ill 69565. This petition is for Parcel #45-19-24-380-026.000-008.
BZA #25-002 -Meadows of Cedar Creek Phase 5, Lots 33-45- variance from the Flood Hazard Reduction Standards of the Town of Lowell Flood Hazard Areas Ordinance, §151.05(A)(10), for property located at: Meadows of Cedar Creek, Phase 5, Lots 33-45, situated on the north side of Castlebrook Drive, in Lowell, Lake County, Indiana, Parcel Nos. 45-19-14-476-004.000-008 through 45-19-14-476-016.000-008. Petitioner, Demotte State Bank, 210 South Halleck St., Demotte, IN 46310 is requesting a variance from the required compensatory storage ration of 2:1 to permit a 1:1 ratio in the floodplain.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Please note that all public comments require that the commentor steps to the podeum and states their name and address. All Public comments are restricted to 3 minutes maximum. Public Comments are to be made to the members of the board. Public Comment is not a discussion and as such, board members are not required to answer questions or engage the commentor if they do not wish.
ADJOURNMENT: PLEASE NOTE: This notice was posted at the Lowell Town Hall at least 48 hours prior to the meeting being called to order, and hand-delivered and/or emailed and/or faxed to the following: Board Members, Staff Members, Town Attorney, The Post-Tribune, NWI Times, LC Star an Z107. The Town of Lowell prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities based on race. color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, familial status, parental status, sexual orientation, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individuals income is derived from any public assistance program.
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