Water Leaks

Water Leaks can be Costly

Do you know that a small leak in your household plumbing is costing you money? A continuous leak at ¼ gallon per minute will add up to 360 gallons per day, and 10,800 gallons per month. The most common problem found in household plumbing is leaking toilets. These leaks occur in most cases without any notice, and can waste thousands of gallons of water. A malfunctioning toilet at times is not noticeable because the water is simply going down the drain and never seen. Here are some suggestions that could help you in finding a problem.

  • If you see water continuously entering the toilet bowl, this indicates that the ball flapper is not closing properly. To test the ball flapper carefully remove the lid from the toilet tank and mark the water level in each of your toilets with a pencil. Then shut off the water supply to the toilet(s). If the water level remains on the mark for ten minutes, the ball flapper is not leaking. If the water drops below the mark you made, the ball flapper is leaking and should be repaired or replaced. Another easy test is to pour some food coloring in the toilet tank and walk away. Return one hour later and check the toilet bowl. If you discover food coloring in the bowl, the ball flapper is leaking and should be repaired or replaced.
  • If you hear your toilet tank filling between flushes, this can also be a problem with the ball flapper or the float valve is out of adjustment and allowing the water to enter the overflow pipe. The water level in the toilet tank should be about 1 inch below the top of the overflow pipe. If the water level in the toilet tank is at the top of the overflow tube, that is where a leak may be occurring, and the float that controls the water level in the tank should be adjusted so the water level is 1 inch below the top of the overflow pipe.
  • If you can hear a continuous flow of water in your bathroom, (this is sometimes easier to do at night when everything is quiet) might indicate a faulty float valve. In some cases the float valve itself will not close properly and allows the water to enter the overflow pipe and down the drain. If you find a problem in your household plumbing quick repairs could save you additional costs in water. Most repairs can be done by an experienced "do-it-yourselfer". If you are not sure you can handle the job call a plumber. Water leaks are costly!